Discover Drupal Behaviors Enhancing Website Functionality Skip to main content


17 Jun, 2024
4 min read

Unraveling the Mystery of Drupal Behaviors to Enhance Functionality and User Experience

Drupal behaviours. What are they? - Teaser

Drupal is a versatile platform renowned for building dynamic and efficient websites. It provides developers with significant tools to improve user experiences. Among these tools, Drupal behaviors stand out as a key component of Drupal's JavaScript API.

However, grasping the intricacies of Drupal's JavaScript poses challenges for newcomers and seasoned developers alike. At its essence, Drupal behaviors aren't merely a method but a crucial element of Drupal's JavaScript API, facilitating the attachment and execution of functions at specific times in a web page's lifecycle. 

What are Drupal Behaviors?

Drupal behaviors offer a modular and effective approach compared to jQuery.ready. While jQuery.ready execute only once when the DOM is ready for manipulation, Drupal.behaviors can run multiple times during page execution. Moreover, they can run whenever new DOM elements are inserted into the document, enhancing flexibility and efficiency.

Drupal Behaviors

Implementing Drupal behaviors in Drupal development entails specifying JavaScript functions within Drupal.behaviors, which are subsequently executed by Drupal's JavaScript framework. Using Drupal's built-in libraries and APIs, developers may speed up the process of incorporating new functionality into their websites. 

Contrasting Drupal.behaviors with document.ready 

The benefit of Behaviors over document.ready() and document.AddEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", function(){}) is immediately re-applied to any content loaded by AJAX.

document.ready() or document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", function(){}) (jQuery and JS code) are only executed once the DOM is ready, but Drupal.behaviors can be executed several times during page execution.

For instance, in views with infinite scroll, more elements will be loaded when the user hits the "load more" button, causing the DOM to modify after the first load. However, Drupal will call attached behaviors when the DOM is loaded and modified by Ajax.

Consider the need to add classes to newly added elements. This is where Drupal Behaviors shine in Drupal development. Moreover, these behaviors allow for overriding or extending existing behavior. For instance, if one module applies a bounce effect to all links, another module could replace it with a different effect.

How to Utilize Drupal Behaviors?

According to Drupal's official documentation, all modules must integrate Javascript using Drupal.behaviors. The new object must have at least an attach method.

Here's an instance.

Drupal.behaviors.exampleModule = {
   attach: function (context, settings) {
     // Code to be run on page load, and
     // on ajax load added here

Drupal core triggers attached behaviors when the DOM is fully loaded, passing in two arguments:
Context: This modified DOM object refers specifically to the affected HTML. It allows actions to be performed within the affected scope. For instance, when submitting an Ajax form, the context will be limited to its HTML.
Settings: This contains all the settings injected server-side, added by Drupal/PHP. This argument is added in Drupal 8.

Drupal behaviors work seamlessly with native Drupal AJAX calls. However, if you use a custom AJAX call and need to initialize behaviors afterwards, you must manually reinitialize them in your code:

Drupal.attachBehaviors(document, Drupal.settings);

Why Drupal Behaviors are Essential for JavaScript Integration?

Drupal Behaviors are invaluable for various projects, offering an enhanced method for integrating JavaScript functionality.

Why use Drupal Behaviors?

Ability to Override JavaScript: Easily extend or replace existing JavaScript behaviors.
Attach Behaviors to Specific Contexts: Target specific areas of the DOM for more precise functionality.

Drupal Behaviors bring numerous benefits, including improved performance and easier code maintenance, especially in large teams and modular JavaScript development environments. Using Drupal Behaviors, we can ensure that our scripts are only loaded when necessary and do not conflict with other scripts on the page, improving the performance and stability of our Drupal website.

Drupal behaviors are essential for optimal and efficient code that ensures fast and smooth application performance. They automatically reapply to any content loaded through Ajax, allowing seamless behavior updates and enhancements.

When Should You Avoid Using Drupal.behaviors?

While Drupal generally encourages the use of Drupal.behaviors, there are instances where it is not necessary. For example, if you need JavaScript code to execute only once, such as a script defining the behavior of a hamburger menu, using Drupal.behaviors might be overkill. In such cases, the script only needs to run when the DOM is ready, as it does not affect any HTML manipulated by JavaScript beyond that initial load.


Drupal stands as one of the top open-source CMS options, enhancing your website's performance with exceptional flexibility and security. For Drupal developers, Drupal Behaviors is an invaluable tool for efficiently manipulating DOM elements using JavaScript. This feature is especially beneficial when scripts must be conditionally loaded or multiple modules or themes utilize similar scripts.

Drupal 10, the latest version available, offers a comprehensive set of modules and themes for creating highly customized websites. For more information on Drupal 10, click here.


Frequently Asked Questions

Drupal Behaviors allows developers to attach JavaScript code to page elements in a modular and efficient manner. They ensure that JavaScript is executed whenever new content is added to the page, such as through AJAX calls.

Drupal Behaviors are important because they enhance a website's functionality and user experience. Using behaviors, developers can ensure that JavaScript code is properly initialized and executed for dynamic content, leading to a more interactive and responsive site.

A behavior in Drupal is defined by attaching a JavaScript function to the Drupal.behaviors object. This function is then automatically executed whenever new content is added to the page.

Drupal Behaviors enhance user experience by ensuring that interactive elements on a website function correctly, even when content is dynamically loaded. This leads to a smoother and more consistent user interaction.

Innoraft offers a comprehensive range of Drupal development services, including custom module development, theme design and integration, site migration, performance optimization, and ongoing support and maintenance. Our expertise ensures that clients receive tailored solutions that meet their specific requirements.

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