Innorafter of the Quarter | Blog | Innoraft Skip to main content


16 Mar, 2016
3 min read

Innorafter of the Quarter - A Recognition Programme at Innoraft for Exemplary Performance

Innoraft rolls out its Quarterly Performance Recognition Award Winners, which was due for quite sometime now. The recognition programme - Innorafter of the Quarter - not just reflect that someone did well and needs to be rewarded, but it speaks largely about the company culture.

Everyone is doing a great deal of work at Innoraft - hard and smart. And it is never easy to choose any one. However, we try and pick one, as one amongst the best”, said Mukesh Agarwal, CEO & Founder of Innoraft.

We are not competing against each other, we are competing with ourselves. We try and be better every time and if the management sees their better beating others' we reward them”, added Mukesh.

A culture of such kind has certainly brought in a lot of healthy competition in the team. Everyone puts in their very best and the result has been an unmatched level of growth in every quarter.

And the Winners are…

April - June 2015


Somedutta Ghosh for impeccably managing the HCL account at Innoraft. There was a time when the company recruited a couple of freshers. Somedutta marvellously managed all the RTB work in HCL with the freshers. She not only trained and mentored the new joiners, but, at the same time got the work flawlessly delivered. She continued to put long hours at work (often late at night) despite a huge amount of travel involved (then). As a result of her hard work, Innoraft received raving applauds from the client.

July - September 2015


Gaurav Goyal for his outstanding effort in building a rock solid search engine for TeamsWork App and delivering a very compelling session in Drupal Camp Pune. Gaurav, otherwise not involved in public speaking, came out of his shell to give this extraordinary public talk. Gaurav has certainly work hard to gain confidence to completely manage MAX accounts on his own.

October - December 2015


Sanket Jain for exceptional efforts in making StraightTalk Online Community a success. His level of confidence is his biggest strength. He could not get the best support from the team due to peer pressure of other projects. Sanket, with a limited support, managed to surpass all challenges and meet every deadline with an optimum quality work. Burning midnight oil has been a fashion in the industry but he took it to another level by producing back to back late nighters for a long time and pulling off the delivery.

Here is a BIG shout-out to the Winners. Congratulations to each one of them!