Top Trends in iOS Development Languages: What's Next? Skip to main content


7 Mar, 2024
3 min read

Top Trends in iOS Development Languages: What's Next?

Naman Saxena

Top Trends in iOS Development Languages: What's Next?

iOS development is always an exciting field; however, with millions of applications in the Apple Store, it is reaching an all-time high. With all the development in this dynamic landscape, getting the best downloads and staying relevant can be challenging. 

To be amongst the best iOS programming language experts, one needs to be well aware of the iOS app development trends, as there is a high chance that your competitors are all researching the upcoming trends in iOS development, leaving you behind. 

To help you stay at the top, we have made this article stating the top trends in iOS development languages that will make your apps more competitive and compelling. 

Emerging Trends in iOS Application Development

Several emerging trends in iOS development must be considered when building an application, such as: 

Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning

Machine learning and Artificial intelligence are becoming significant trends in iOS application development. AI has become highly cost-effective and accessible for development companies. It allows developers to integrate top-notch features such as image recognition and personal assistants in iOS applications.

2023 and beyond will be years when we will get more AI-based apps being developed for the market. Edge computing, machine learning, and deep learning methods like generative adversarial networks will power these apps.

Swift 6 

Swift in iOS development language is a remarkable tool that is easy to use and learn. It is broadly accessible and used by almost every iOS developer. Some leading examples of Swift are Apple, LinkedIn, SkyGuide, and Slack. The API and module stability, compatibility, and other features make Swift a convenient and productive tool, allowing iOS developers to concentrate more on enhancing the code quality and logic.

Augmented Reality

Apple's ARKit has taken augmented reality to the next level, making significant strides in iOS development. The ARKit is a framework introduced in 2017 that has allowed developers to blend digital elements with the real world easily via iOS applications. In 2021, there were over 8,700 ARKit-enabled applications on the Apple Store. 

AR is also making its way into mainstreaming gaming and retail iOS applications. In the gaming industry, games like Pokemon Go have shown immense potential for Augmented Reality, and this trend is all set to grow exponentially. Customers are becoming more accustomed to AR as it enhances the shopping experience. Customers are more likely to purchase products if they visualize them through AR. Hence, AR is one of those areas that iOS programming experts must know about.

Cross-Platform Development 

Cross-platform development has experienced exponential growth in iOS development, with tools like React Native, Flutter, Xamarin, and others becoming popular. 

Cross-platform mobile app development is one of the key benefits of reducing development costs and time. A codebase is distributed across multiple platforms, enabling developers to accelerate the development cycle. It is especially essential in the competitive iOS development market, where faster time-to-market makes a significant difference.

Voice User Interface

The voice user interface has gained quite popularity in the iOS development language. With the development of advanced smart speakers and voice-activated assistants such as Siri, voice recognition technology has revolutionized how users use their devices. A voice user interface allows users to control applications and make queries through natural language.

To focus on VUI, developers must focus on natural language processing, context-aware interactions, and speech recognition. Building a remarkable VUI experience needs a deep understanding of user behavior and their ability to provide accurate and relevant responses. 

App Store Optimization

The App Store is a dynamic marketplace with countless applications waiting to be downloaded. This competitive landscape makes it essential for iOS developers to understand the significance of ASO. It is the same as SEO but for mobile applications. The process consists of optimizing several elements of an application to enhance its visibility and discoverability in the App Store. 

Getting better visibility in the App Store involves a combination of strategies such as localization, keyword optimization, and A/B testing of descriptions and visuals. iOS programming language experts must consider several factors, such as the app's icon, video previews, and screenshots, as these elements significantly affect conversion rates and user engagement. 


The introduction of 5G networks has given birth to a new era of connectivity. 5G technology provides remarkably faster data speeds, increased network capacity, and lower latency. These features are essential for high bandwidth, real-time connectivity, and low latency applications, such as high-definition video, AR, and cloud-based gaming. 

Developers need to optimize their applications and harness the capabilities of 5G networks. They must leverage edge computing to reduce latency, adapt content for more extensive data transfers and higher resolution streaming, and improve the user experience via uninterrupted connectivity. The 5G network has opened many opportunities in iOS development, providing immersive, more prosperous, and data-intensive apps that redefine user expectations. 


iOS applications are all set to expand their roots and grow popular daily. Building an iOS application may seem time-consuming initially. However, it is not as complex as being updated on the trends. The best iOS development firm will save you the hassle of research and provide the best iOS development services to allow your app to stay at the top in the Apple Store.