Programmatic SEO: Implement & Improve to Make the Web Better Skip to main content


16 Apr, 2024
4 min read

What It Is and How to Implement It How SEOs Make the Web Better

Naman Saxena

Programmatic SEO Implementation

In the rapidly evolving field of SEO, staying ahead of the curve necessitates adopting new strategies and utilizing technology. As a business owner, you're undoubtedly familiar with the significance of search engine optimization (SEO) for enhancing online visibility and generating traffic to your website.

But what does the word 'programmatic' mean, and why is programmatic SEO particularly effective? 

Let's dive in!

What is Programmatic SEO? 

Programmatic SEO creates bulk landing pages to rank on search engine results pages (SERPs). You'll build a single template with images, pricing, reviews, and more, and then utilize automated tools to generate variations of the same page, each targeting a different keyword. It is often referred to as pSEO.

“Is programmatic SEO right for my business?”

Programmatic SEO ensures your website has a dedicated page for each category, product, or service. You also avoid creating each page yourself, saving time, money, and effort. Each page is optimized for a specific keyword (or a set of keywords), so they will all score well in organic search results. 

In this way, you can ensure that prospective customers are directed to a landing page tailored to the keyword they entered into their search engine.

Who Benefits from Programmatic SEO?

Programmatic SEO tools benefit someone whose business or digital marketing strategy includes building an online presence.

The more landing pages an organization needs, the more useful programmatic SEO will be. This is particularly true for businesses in the travel and real estate industries and those involved in e-commerce. Retail companies may also benefit from programmatic SEO because they have many products that can be used on specific landing pages. Programmatic SEO will be a valuable tool for businesses needing help with SEO. It also applies to businesses wishing to make their products more visible or increase page traffic. 

Benefits of Programmatic SEO Implementation

There are several benefits to implementing programmatic SEO tools in marketing activities, including: 

  • Ensure Business Continuity: To maintain business continuity, you'll need to spend time and effort on business continuity management software. It allows your company to continue operating even in unexpected disruptions. Implementing programmatic SEO quickly increases the effectiveness of any digitally-based and PRM marketing strategy while also expanding its online reach. The online market will continue to function despite natural disasters or other unforeseen situations. By being active in that market with programmatic SEO, you ensure that your company benefits from continuity. 
  • Building Valuable Links: Internal linking is essential for user navigation while optimizing SEO scores. It could be appealing to create pages with subpar content quality. When your links lead prospective customers to sites with irrelevant or insufficient information, they do not convert into actual customers. That's why you should ensure that all pages are significant and useful enough to be linked to. Programmatic SEO tools make this possible.
  • Redirecting Effort in a Productive Manner: If your team is spending too much time manually updating pages for SEO purposes, it's critical to simplify the process using SEO-optimized pages. Incorporating tools like affiliate tracking platforms and creating an automated center of excellence inside the organization will help you make this change smoothly. Programmatic SEO interacts easily with existing systems, allowing for the redirection of efforts. Once set up, it functions independently, requiring little effort other than updating new keyword entries. Employees can dedicate their efforts and time to other strategic goals. 

How to Create a Programmatic SEO Strategy?

Here's an overview of how to implement a programmatic SEO strategy to increase search engine exposure:

Search your keywords

There are several types of keywords to look for: 

  • Head terms: These refer to the broad keywords for which you want to rank. These keywords receive a lot of search volume. Head terms on a website like Yelp may include "restaurants" or "bars." You may utilize tools like Google Trends to determine their search volume and related searches.
  • Modifiers: These keywords relate to head terms, which create specific search queries. These words include the primary and secondary modifiers. Primary modifiers, like "Korean restaurant" or "Italian food," define new search categories. Secondary modifiers, like "cheap restaurants" or "restaurants near me," define the head term. Arrange your collected head terms and modifiers into a list to maintain the keyword structure.

Conduct a competitive analysis of the search results

Type your keywords into Google to see which websites rank highest. Once you've discovered your top rivals, use a keyword tool to see which keywords they rank for and how many. Ahrefs, SEMrush, and Moz are beneficial for this. With this information, you may learn what your competitors are doing well and how to use programmatic SEO to catch up.

Create your landing pages

Programmatic SEO creates unique landing pages on a large scale. Remember that you do not define users' search intent; Google's algorithms decide this. Spend time looking at the SERPs to determine which key terms rank and what search intent drives them. Although your landing pages might include much of the same content—images, maps, reviews, and so on—they cannot be precisely the same. Every landing page should have enough unique content that the algorithm recognizes as providing unique value to visitors.

Drive More Traffic and Expand Your Business With Programmatic SEO Implementation

Programmatic SEO could be an effective and successful way to bring traffic to your company's website and increase sales, as long as you do it right. You must utilize relevant keywords, create high-quality pages, and write content that Google will not identify as duplicates or spam.

Developing the programmatic SEO landing page template may be time-consuming and might involve some trial and error to get it right. Once you've done that, creating bulk pages is simple, and the results are well worth the work.