Why Are eCommerce Mobile Apps Important for Your Store? Skip to main content


2 Aug, 2021
4 min read

Why are Mobile Apps Important for eCommerce Store?

Why are Mobile Apps Important for eCommerce Store? - Banner

Do you own an eCommerce store and facing increased competition? Know about the benefits of mobile apps for eCommerce and how they can improve your revenues.

The e-commerce industry has been growing at a scorching pace. Customers are using their smartphones to visit e-commerce sites and make their purchases. However, the competition among the incumbent players is too high. It requires them to come up with new strategies to enhance their outreach to their audience. One of the ways to strengthen outreach is to develop mobile apps for eCommerce.

Studies back this idea too. The demand for mobile commerce has been increasing significantly. However, you must keep in mind that a responsive eCommerce site may not be enough to ensure a better user experience. The audience prefers to use mobile apps that are more convenient for them. This article will discuss some of the benefits of mobile app for eCommerce.

Importance of Mobile Apps for eCommerce

Higher Customer Loyalty

It is expensive to entice more customers to buy your brands. However, it is easier to attract your erstwhile customers into repeat purchases. The users who download your app have a higher tendency to undertake repeat purchases on your platform. They are ready to purchase as they are also aware of your reputation.

The mobile app is also another opportunity to occupy the mindshare of the users. They will be inclined to buy from you when they see the store icon on their smartphones. You can have personalized features that will increase customer interaction with your platform. One of the best ways to do this is to provide product suggestions based on their previous purchases.

Improved User Experience

Ecommerce mobile apps help businesses to provide personalized services based on their prior behavior on the platform. It is because customers prefer to have a personalized experience when they use a mobile app. By using advanced analytics, you can assess the path taken by the user historically and present them with customized offers.

You can expect users to have a better experience on the apps as it discards any buttons or icons that do not add any value. As a result, the users are not distracted unnecessarily and can continue browsing for the products they need. In addition, the use of simple filters and productive search bars greatly enhance the propensity to buy. A mobile app also takes less time to perform a task. This is because it transmits less data to the server than a website. The apps can also store data partially on the device itself. The user can also set their preferences on the app and only load the content that the user prefers.

Use as a Marketing Tool

One of the main benefits of a mobile app for eCommerce is that you can directly assess usage and interact with the users. You can ascertain when your customers visit the app and when they make the purchase decision. It also allows you to use multiple media to reach out to the target market. The outcome of a targeted marketing approach ensures improved conversion rates.

The targeted approach can help you create customized offers solely based on their behavior and demographics. Studies also show that mobile apps have a higher order value than websites. Therefore, it can help to improve your revenues at a lesser cost of acquisition.

Specialized Technologies can Lead to a Better Experience

You can use specialized features like push notifications to inform customers of upcoming events, special discounts, or new collections. Also, tell them when you replenish your stocks. In addition, use next-gen techniques like Virtual Reality to allow the customers to have a virtual feel of your products before making their buying decision. Finally, you can take the services of a top mobile application development solutions provider to incorporate the needed features.

Using the Smartphone Features to its Advantage

The app can also use the features of the smartphone to its benefit. The GPS feature can allow the business to pre-fill the shipping address to make the checkout process faster. It can also help users to lead them to a store location nearby. The camera can allow the customer to take snaps of the products and upload them on their social media profiles through the app. It can also allow your customers to engage more with the app. The smartphone’s microphone can help in voice search too.

mobile shoppers statics

Source: Statista

Reduce Cart Abandonment

Ecommerce businesses constantly face the issue of cart abandonment. It could be due to a complex process or due to the absence of various payment methods. However, the app can take note of your preferred payment method and pre-populate the necessary fields. As a result, the checkout process is more straightforward, and as the customer can receive better product suggestions, the overall time taken for checkout reduces.

The use of an app can act as a competitive advantage against those who do not have one. You have more loyal customers due to increased eyeball share against the competition. The customers who use your app have finalized their purchase decision, leading to fewer card abandonment incidents.

Better Brand Identity

The new generation is tech-savvy and prefers to shop when they are on the move. Therefore, you must get hold of a mobile eCommerce app development agency and ensure they can have a better user experience over a mobile app. It will improve the brand identity and make you more popular than your competition. You can also integrate your social media accounts with the mobile app and allow users to visit these profiles through the app itself seamlessly.

Adults can spend hours on their smartphones. An interactive mobile app can induce additional revenues too. The app's impressive features can enhance the app's visibility and spur more downloads from the mobile app store.


As the competition in the eCommerce industry intensifies, more businesses are trying to find newer ways to entice usage. Many of them are taking the help of mobile apps for eCommerce to help them. They tried to attract usage through personalized features and targeted loyalty discounts. Are you willing to build one for your online store? We are a top eCommerce App Development Company based out in India and would be happy to help!