What are the Key Business Benefits of DevOps for Better ROI? Skip to main content


12 Oct, 2022
5 min read

What are the Key Business Benefits of DevOps for Better ROI?

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Companies have implemented DevOps principles for their product development projects over the past several years. As a result, your company can provide high-quality products more quickly by executing the DevOps method for software development projects. Along with speeding up software delivery, it has enabled new team collaboration forms. These all directly resulted in improved performance, increased production, reduced time to market, cost savings, lower failure rates, and quicker recovery, among other things. We'll talk about the business benefits of DevOps in this blog post. By reading ahead, you will discover how implementing this methodology can improve workplace culture and customer satisfaction.

DevOps' goal is to remove manual communication, processing delays, and ineffective automation from the way that teams may work together. Therefore, every team must evaluate its roles to foster a DevOps-oriented enterprise culture. They must also take proactive measures to reduce workplace issues and assess enterprise structures and accomplishments.

What is DevOps?

DevOps (a combination of "development" and "operations") integrates strategies and technologies to help organizations develop services and applications more rapidly than traditional software development methods. As a result, due to this speed, organizations can provide better customer service and engage in more profitable market competition. A DevOps model involves development and operation teams collaborating throughout a software application's life cycle, from development and testing to deployment and operations.

Faster Return on Investment (ROI)

By providing new updates quickly and resolving bugs rapidly, businesses can recover from their IT investments and start making profits. Your company can increase ROI while reducing the cost of ownership and operational costs if all the elements listed below are in place.

  • Operations management is the best approach for assisting the development lifecycle and running programs efficiently.
  • Hardened Security enhances data, system protection, and best practices for leveraging cloud capabilities to strengthen safety.
  • Reliability describes the ideal infrastructure when each component operates efficiently and performs its job correctly.
  • Performance Efficiency outlines the appropriate methods for making effective use of IT resources.
  • Cost optimization provides strategies for managing tasks that are both efficient and affordable. It helps in determining how to offer better benefits at a lower cost.

The DevOps methodology improves the situation, making the software development process more accessible. DevOps eliminates barriers between development and operations and resolves almost all problems in the workplace. It is essential for every organization, from SMBs to large businesses, regardless of size or revenue, to reduce barriers between the operational teams.

The Business Benefits of DevOps in an Organization

DevOps offers various benefits and helps add automation to an organization. It creates a development environment that is responsive, effective, in line with company needs, and human error-free. The advantages of DevOps for businesses listed below are highly significant, and we want to answer your question, "DevOps Benefits for Better ROI: What Are They?" in our blog.

Enhanced Collaboration (between business, development, and operations)

The need for development teams to interact and communicate across departmental boundaries in a constantly changing environment is more significant than ever. By creating a crucial environment of mutual collaboration, communication, and integration across globally dispersed teams in an IT organization, DevOps paves the path to increased business flexibility. In such an encouraging DevOps environment, the boundaries between the roles that were previously defined are becoming blurry. Together, the team members are accountable for meeting the deadlines and quality requirements for deliverables.

Improved Delivery Speed

The fundamental principles of DevOps - automation, continuous delivery, and a quick feedback process - are designed to accelerate and simplify the software development process. As an evolutionary Agile methodology, DevOps uses automation to ensure that the SDLC moves without interruption. Creating a collaborative environment allows immediate and continuous feedback, enabling any issues to be fixed quickly and the releases to be completed more efficiently. Speed to market can be increased by quick iterations and standardized procedures, which are essential to succeeding in the software industry. Additionally, it significantly reduces the time for failure responses.

Excellent Communication

Implementing DevOps principles results in a significant streamlining of communications. A positive outcome always requires having everyone on the same page and able to contribute to the process. Since the DevOps strategy places cooperation and communication at its core, its execution produces a significantly more productive environment that can enhance the quality of the desired outcome. For instance, increased communication makes getting the team on the same page easier. It helps describe the current priorities as well. In addition, DevOps automates some tedious processes in the development cycle so that developers can focus on other challenging steps.

Better Customer Satisfaction and Experience

Providing customers with high-quality services more quickly is the main reason for adopting DevOps in business. The greatest approach to keeping ahead of the competition is to focus on excellent customer experience and higher revenue. Many factors can contribute to flexibility and efficiency, but increasing customer engagement matters.

Today's customers expect a better user experience across all digital channels and business touchpoints. Problems can be identified earlier in the development process by focusing on collaboration between various teams and creating multiple feedback loops. Troubleshooting takes less time, and the customer experience is improved.

Strengthens end-to-end Responsibilities

DevOps primarily engages the operational and development teams. However, using a DevOps business model will also benefit other areas of your company. Every person involved in delivering a solution to the end customer is also included.

You must establish requirements and meet customer expectations before creating a software solution. Then, once the solution has been created and made accessible to the public, you must develop a way for users to provide validation and feedback. Using this iterative software development method benefits almost everyone in a company, not just the developers.

Process Optimization and Improved Data on ROI

Teams learn to work more quickly by releasing small changes frequently, identifying problems in real-time, and responding by moving forward instead of using the error-prone traditional waterfall model (a set of phases flows sequentially, with the output of one phase becoming the input of the next). As a result, all phases are interdependent, and the completion of one phase signifies the start of the next. Every day, DevOps enables an organization to become its best version. The benefit of DevOps is more focused on optimizing the essential business processes.

DevOps allows businesses to transform data quickly into revenue. Recognizing the value of data can be made easier in a company with an automated and agile methodology. With DevOps technologies automating Big Data tools, businesses save time and money. As a result, costs can be recovered quickly, and response times can be significantly decreased, enhancing profitability.

In today's fast-paced work environment, faster delivery and shorter turnaround times in software development have become essential to an organization's growth. Above are some of the business benefits of DevOps that companies can gain after embracing the DevOps working method.


In summary, an effective DevOps strategy and implementation can significantly improve the efficiency of your end-to-end delivery pipeline. DevOps is most suited for adoption in large-scale projects for the private sector and government IT projects because of its focus on delivering value in the early phases of a project's lifecycle. It provides cost-effective solutions and speeds up the development of new services through operational flexibility and continuous improvement. Take into account the above-mentioned business benefits of DevOps. When combined with integrated communications services, such DevOps benefits can enhance business operations in all areas and aspects.

In addition, you can build a responsive website for business growth with Innoraft to support business expansion and your company's ability to enhance developer productivity in both on-premises and cloud environments.