Is the DevSecOps Process Vital for Modern Businesses Today? Skip to main content


14 Dec, 2022
6 min read

Is Devsecops Process Really Important in Businesses Nowadays

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You've probably heard of the term "DevOps" if you've recently been exposed to the software and app development field. DevOps has quickly gained recognition as the most efficient way to enhance the software development process. It is due to DevOps' effectiveness, proven by its incredible results. DevSecOps framework has been developed as a result of DevOps advancements. Learn more about the overview of DevSecOps, the DevSecOps process,  why devsecops is important, and the key benefits of devsecops for your organization in this blog.

What is a DevSecOps Methodology?

DevSecOps is a terminology that stands for Development, Security, and Operations. It is a method for securing infrastructure & applications based on the DevOps methodology and ensures that the application is less vulnerable & ready for use by users. Furthermore, it entails integrating DevSecOps best practices into the DevOps workflow of an organization. Therefore, security must be incorporated into the software development process at every stage.

If your organization already uses DevOps, think about switching to the DevSecOps framework. It is mainly based on the principles of DevOps, which will support your case for shifting. Furthermore, by doing so, you will be able to gather talented individuals from various technical disciplines to improve your security procedures.

Why DevSecOps is Important?

DevSecOps process enables software development companies to deliver innovative products quickly while maintaining security. The emergence of continuous software development practices allows potential security issues to be identified during the development process rather than after the product has been released.

In the last few years, some fundamental changes have necessitated the push toward DevSecOps requirements.

  • Innovative Technologies: Over the last two decades, technology infrastructure has undergone transformational change. There have been tremendous improvements in speed, cost & agility due to the shift to cloud computing, shared resources, and dynamic provisioning. All of this has greatly improved application development capabilities. The ability to deploy applications in the cloud has accelerated development scale and velocity. As a result, significant application launches are becoming less common, which has led to a shift to DevOps and agile techniques.
  • Speed of Development: In the past, security concerns were put off until the end of software development projects. A project may have taken months or even years to finish back then, so it wasn't a problem. Teams of security experts had enough time to analyze the app and address the gaps thoroughly. Development cycle speed and frequency have altered significantly. We're only talking about a few days or weeks per iteration. Unfortunately, security and compliance monitoring systems were not designed to keep up with the rapid rate of change required by DevOps. As a result, a security crisis threatens if models aren't updated.

The application security procedures used in the DevSecOps process are integrated into the whole build process from the beginning of the pipeline. The security-driven strategy allows DevSecOps developers to ensure that applications are secure before releasing them to end users and exposing them to potential threats.

Key Benefits of DevSecOps

The benefits of DevSecOps are straightforward. A better collaborative approach between development and security teams early in the project cycle provides numerous long-term benefits. In addition, businesses that use DevSecOps best practices can expect several benefits, including:

  • Cost savings: The development process can be expensive, particularly for long and complex projects. Security threats addressed during the development process are less costly than addressing the same issues after the product has been released to the market. It also saves money by reducing product delivery times. DevSecOps detects security problems at every stage, which saves a lot of money.
  • Early identification of vulnerabilities: When an application is set to go live, it can be difficult to detect a security vulnerability. Due to time & budget constraints, the security team may miss some security gaps. In addition, hackers are constantly seeking ways to gain access to software applications. DevSecOps is essential because teams check for and identify security vulnerabilities before releasing a new app. It enables them to detect and respond to security threats earlier.
  • Enhances communication and collaboration: The DevSecOps roles increases your company's productivity by enhancing team collaboration and communication. It ensures that the development, security, and operations teams are actively involved in all stages of the development process. It creates a dynamic workplace transformation and improves the business's performance. It provides immediate feedback and effective communication, which boosts productivity.
  • Allows for continuous improvement: The security team is involved in the DevSecOps approach from the initial stages of the development process. By repetitively monitoring success and failure based on various matrices, you can develop a framework to avoid problems. It can streamline the development process and decrease the risk of security flaws.
  • Creates a transparent culture: The workplace culture and environment have a considerable impact on the success of any business or company. DevSecOps development process brings a transparent culture in which everyone understands their role in each phase. There are many gradual transitions that improve performance. The security team is not involved in DevOps until the development stage is completed, where the DevSecOps framework comes in.
  • Lowers the risk and aids in compliance: If your application's security system has a flaw, cyber attackers can exploit it to gain access to your clients' valuable information. In addition, some industries, such as banking, hospitals, and insurance, must comply with privacy policies (GDPR & HIPAA) or face legal action. DevSecOps reduces the risk of a data breach and assists businesses in remaining compliant.
  • Assists in automating security tasks: Automation is a crucial factor contributing to the importance of DevSecOps in various ways. It can reduce the time spent manually performing trivial security checks, and vulnerabilities will be handled automatically. DevSecOps can thus reduce the percentage of human mistakes.
  • Boost overall security: When security flaws are discovered and addressed at the coding level, security protections against attacks improve. Therefore, it implies that DevSecOps can assist in the run-time resolution of problems and enhance overall security. Additionally, you will notice significant advancements in your security monitoring and auditing.

DevSecOps Skills and Tools

We can use a DevSecOps tools list for various security tasks:

  • HackerOne: It actively looks for and responds to reports of vulnerabilities.
  • Snyk: It searches for any known problems in open-source code libraries.
  • Claire: It checks docker containers for vulnerabilities.
  • Stethoscope: It is also open-source and helps you manage user-focused security.
  • Suricata: It identifies threats to networks and secures them against threats.
  • Rapid7 Nexpose: It manages the complete lifecycle of vulnerability detection and scans systems for vulnerabilities.

DevOps vs DevSecOps: What's the Difference?

DevOps entails close collaboration between application development and operations teams throughout the software development process. DevOps focuses on reducing development cycles and allowing more frequent releases while maintaining software quality, flexibility, & consistency.

DevOps engineers strive to find the most efficient way to deploy application updates while minimizing disruption to the end-user experience. Because of the focus on faster software delivery, DevOps teams frequently overlook security implications. Managing security to the end of the DevOps process often leads to the accumulation of vulnerabilities that impede an organization's assets, end-user data, and applications.

DevSecOps is a DevOps evolution that prioritizes security. It emerged after DevOps teams noticed that the conventional DevOps approach was inefficient without integrating security processes into the pipeline. DevSecOps incorporates information security early in the development and deployment processes instead of adding protection at the end.

Application security techniques used in the DevSecOps process are integrated into the entire build process. Due to this security-driven strategy, DevSecOps developers can ensure that applications are secure before releasing them to end users and exposing them to potential threats. In addition, the application is continuously secured by DevSecOps teams while updates are being made, focusing on safe coding techniques and solving complicated security problems where standard DevOps processes fail.

A strong DevOps strategy can significantly boost the effectiveness of your end-to-end delivery pipeline. In addition, you can check for the business benefits of DevOps, which explain increased ROI, better customer satisfaction, and improved employee performance.


To summarize, the best way for businesses to benefit from the DevOps concept is to implement the DevSecOps process simultaneously, combining security measures into software and data from the beginning. Organizations that exclude security from DevOps risk facing security and compliance issues closer to release, incurring additional costs for remediation. As a result, embracing DevSecOps as an essential component of DevOps is critical.

The benefits of implementing DevSecOps for your organization are auspicious. As a result, collaborating with a reputable DevOps development company like Innoraft can make a significant difference in your organization's DevSecOps implementation.