Several web development teams prefer PHP to be the framework for the websites they create. However, Laravel happens to be among their top choices. There has been a rapid uptake of Laravel due to its detailed syntax and elegance. Several global brands have opted for this framework as it is flexible and simplifies several tasks to have resources. This article will discuss the reasons why Laravel web development could be the best option for your website.
Companies are increasingly taking the online route to improve their audience outreach. There is an inherent need to design workflows that allow the business to embark on the buyer's journey with the visitor jointly. Optimised workflows can help to ensure that this journey culminates in a sale. Choosing the framework is a complex activity, and there are several options available. The ideal framework can provide the best quality and the needed functionalities available on the website. It can make a difference in your revenues.
There is an urge in developing web applications using frameworks to reduce the time and effort it takes to develop it using plain PHP. In today's fast paced environment, there are several frameworks which work well out of the box. Laravel is among the most popular frameworks and slowly became the default choice to develop large and complex applications among the web developers.
What is the Laravel Framework?
Let us initiate our discussion by delving deep into the Laravel framework. It is based on PHP technology and follows elegant syntax adhering to PSR-4 guidelines that can speed up the development process. It is ideal for developers and provides a sleek toolkit to a web application with several features required to address the audience requirements.
The Model View Controller (MVC) architecture forms the base of Laravel and can showcase the various database entity models. It is an open-source framework that makes it easily accessible to most developers. Several time consuming and repetitive features required by a faster and secure web application like authentication, caching, routing, etc., are made simpler through the Laravel framework.
Why you must choose Laravel Framework for Web Development
So, why do developers choose Laravel as the PHP framework of choice? First, let us go through the features that make it the best choice for web development.
The Laravel framework is open source and helps in designing large and complex websites. Developers can create using various templates with ease and requires meagre resources too. You will only need PHP and a text editor to get started. The framework came into play as the prevailing one failed critical security features like authorisation and authentication.
Despite being an open-source framework, there are periodic updates, better capabilities and customised modules as per the needs of businesses. It has been improving over the years and has gradually placed itself as a go-to framework for developers. In addition, there are several ready-to-use packages and routing middleware that can easily simplify the codification process.
The Blade Template Engine
The Blade templating engine is pre-installed on the Laravel platform. It helps in data management and helps in source code processing along with performance management through a text file. In addition, the users have a mechanism that can help to generate files with conditional statements.
Blade templating engine provides a directive that determines whether the section has any content. It provides the control statements and the shortcuts for them too. If the developer wants to display the variable’s value, they can quickly do it by enclosing it in curly brackets.

Built-In Project Environment
One of the essential benefits of Laravel web development is the integrated project environment that makes handling the project a breeze. Developers can work on complex projects without hassles, along with a structured coding process. As a result, it becomes easier for developers to write codes for different projects that they manage.
There is a straightforward way to codify for diverse workflows, and the lengthy programming effort gets streamlined. The ease of development leads to lower costs, and you can allocate lesser resources to the Laravel project. It also allows faster coding processes and projects to get executed on time.
MVC Architecture
One of the essential benefits of Laravel framework is the MVC architecture that makes it easy for the developers to code the web applications in a structured way. It is powerful and aids in running robust applications. As the name suggests, it divides any application into three separate layers i.e. Model, View, and Controller.
This PHP framework ensures there is a separation between the business logic and the presentation layers. The MVC architecture provides transparency of the projects and allows improved documentation. It also aids in simplifying some of the commonly used tasks like sessions and authentication. The architecture ensures high performance and scalability for the website.

Community Driven Libraries
Another advantage of Laravel is the presence of several in-house and third-party libraries. The availability of these libraries for this framework helps in developing full-featured websites that can help organizations to reduce the development time. Furthermore, it becomes easy to access the pre-written codes and class libraries within a short time.
Some of the critical features enabled include CSRF (Cross-Site Request Forgery) security, resetting the passwords and encryption protocols. Eloquent is an Object Relationship Mapping tool that helps to get data faster. You can quickly form relationships between the various tables and helps to link between different items. The user also has access to the helper functions.
Testing Support
One of the critical aspects of any web development process is the testing process. The code must pass through all use cases formulated in association with the client. The Laravel framework assures excellent testing support using Laravel Dusk and Selenium that is needed to ensure the code is bug-free. In addition, it aids in undertaking Unit level testing and provides automated testing support.
There are several ways to create use cases based on audience behaviour and allows the developers to test the application thoroughly. Each component and feature can be tested to ensure whether the integrated web application performs as per requirement. The developer can run the whole site as well as the individual functions at a time.
Security is a checkbox that web admins need to tick first. Moreover, it is of primary concern for websites that store user data and undertake online payments. Laravel has several security features built into the framework. For example, it offers security against CSRF, CSS or SQL injection. Moreover, as several developers use the codebase, it is guarded very well.
The Laravel framework does not allow any security threats or malware activities to penetrate the codebase. For example, the CSRF tokens check the requests and provide security to anyone who may make minor changes. It also makes use of hashed and salted passwords. Laravel also makes use of the Bcrypt Hashing algorithm for generating a hashed version of any password.
Ideal for Various Applications
Various applications can run well on Laravel development services. For example, eCommerce applications are perfect for the Laravel framework—the framework aids in faster customisation, flexibility and stability that is essential for such applications. The framework can also handle highly complex workflows and is ideal for a component-based distributed system.
The industry behemoths have big web development plans, and it requires a robust framework to sustain their complex business plans and objectives. Laravel is dynamic enough to cater to their requirements. Several web developers also recommend the platform for their clients. Research also certifies this, and it is also easy to develop a small website on this platform.
Comprehensive Support
Any development framework is incomplete without adequate support. You can take the help of Laracasts, which are a collection of free and paid video tutorials. These tutorials cover various aspects of using it and are practical learning courses for developers. There is documentation too to have a better understanding of the commands and syntaxes.
You might be worried about its support mechanism as it is an open-source framework. However, it has a robust community that is passionate enough and helps each other in need. Therefore, if you feel that you will need it in any aspect, you can refer your queries to the community and get help from several people.
Web admins face a dilemma when choosing a secure and robust framework for the company website. It is essential that the framework they choose is easy to configure and the project does not take ages to complete. Towards this end, Laravel is suitable for several applications and is ideal for high-performing websites too.
Laravel makes developing your website a breeze and has several many in-built security features. In addition, it is scalable and can handle additional traffic. Be in touch with the premier Laravel development services provider today. Our experts will be happy to help!