Enhance User Experience with Interactive Website Design Skip to main content


1 Sep, 2021
5 min read

Why Do You Need Interactive Website Design?

Why Do You Need Interactive Website Design? - Banner

Interactive websites help in engaging more users. For example, watching a popup video, solving a puzzle or quiz, or viewing compelling infographics can make users spend more time on your website. In addition, these kinds of interactive things help users remember your company name and contact you back. In this article, let’s explore the elements that help in making interactive website design & what are the benefits of having that.

Businesses are always looking for newer avenues for growth and increasingly focus on their website to reach out to their audience. Therefore, there is an inherent need to ensure that the website breaks the clutter and helps in having an improved interaction with the visitors. It will negatively impact visitors if they have static content before them and cannot interact with your website.

You must provide a personalized experience for your audience, and one of the best ways to achieve this is by making the website more interactive. Studies show that interactive content provides two times greater engagement than static content. (Source: HubSpot) An interactive website design can automate each visitor's experience and use specially crafted content to create a customized experience.

What are interactive websites?

These websites allow better interactions with the visitors, and they can actively communicate with the elements and the content on the website. For example, it could enable the users to leave comments, initiate a chat with them, or suggest preferences that can alter their experience while they are on the website.

The business must think strategically about what the visitors will be looking for on the website. You must utilize historical preferences and analytics and understand the right website features that can help better engage with the website visitors.

Benefits of an Interactive Website Design

There must be a robust communication platform and provide an excellent user experience. Companies can also receive feedback from the audience by engaging with their clients online. Let us know the benefits that businesses have through an interactive web design.

Create a Unique Customer Experience

The website visitors will look forward to a self-service feature that will allow them to receive responses to their queries. This feature can help you provide visitors with a fantastic experience as they interact with your website. It also allows the users to be in charge and feel empowered as they can search based on the location chosen, ask a question, and respond to or vote to an inquiry that relates to them.

Enhanced Conversion Rates

As the visitors interact more with the website, it increases a sense of trust. For example, if the website contains the logo colours, the trust factor gets raised, and the visitors tend to interact more. As the trust increases, they are more likely to become a paying customer. Moreover, as the visitors increase the dwell time on the website, the bounce rate also decreases.

The Content Looks Smart

When you create interactive web pages, they will have designs that can draw the visitor's attention. For example, interactive infographics and animation can ensure better engagement with the visitors. You can also use a rating system that will allow the content to engage with the users. Accordions can also help to show your content better without cluttering the web page.

Improves SEO and Search Rankings

When you make an interactive website, it will bring in more visitors. Hence, you will readily receive requests from other entities to link to your website. These backlinks form an integral part of the SEO process, and they can ensure an increase in search rankings. Interactive websites also see a surge in visibility, enhancing search engines' perception of your website. An improved user experience can even ensure your website to be on the first page during search rankings.

Interactive Features for your Website

You must have come across the interactive web design of renowned brands. They provide the ideal visual experience, and you can implement these features on your website. Let us discuss some of the ideas that you can implement too.


The web chat feature will allow the users to ask any additional queries after going through the FAQ section. They can directly connect to your customer support team and initiate an online chat. It can provide the ideal interaction needed by the users. You can also utilize a chatbot that can respond to pre-configured questions.

The Hover Selector

It is an essential website feature that selects the element once you hover the cursor over it. Web designers can utilize various ways to ensure that the visitors consume the content. For example, they can apply varying styles or use dynamic and colourful states or animation to make it interactive.

User-Generated Content

You can allow users to comment on various sections of the website. The comments will enable you to find out what you must do to generate newer and better forms of content that appeal to users. You can allow social sharing of specific pages on the website or enable users to share your blogs on their personal social media channels. Having a community or forum on the site is another way of encouraging interaction.

Using Forms and Ratings

You can induce feedback from the visitors on different sections of the website. It is necessary to receive their opinion that can be useful for making appropriate changes. It helps to identify any issues in your operations or the website too. Creating a survey is another way of inducing visitor contribution. You can also use the rating feature to generate participation from visitors and is a necessity for e-commerce websites.

Other Ways to Make your Website Interactive

You can make the content creative by adding interactive infographics and videos at appropriate places on the website. You can also create surveys to extract the required information from visitors that can help you in future decision-making. Using the benefits of interactive newsletters and slideshows can ensure repeat visits from users. Data visualizations and diagnostic tools can also help in e-commerce sites.

Using Drupal for Interactive Websites

Several renowned brands choose Drupal for their website development, as it helps create beautifully designed interactive websites. Drupal has a ready-to-use module to make an interactive website. We will discuss some of the elements that can help in having interactive Drupal website designs.

Social Media Sharing

Social sharing buttons allow users to share content on their personal social media pages readily. The AddToAny Share Buttons Module can provide handy social media sharing buttons and readily integrates with your website. It can integrate with Google Analytics too.

Allowing Users to Comment

You can allow users to comment on your website to ensure more interaction with them. The Comment module enables this feature, and the admins receive a notification for all new comments.

Creating Forms and Surveys

Using forms and surveys on the website can also lead to more interaction with the visitors. You can use the Webform module to create forms that collect the required data and forward it to any downstream application.

Using Slideshows on the Website

One of the best ways to ensure an interactive website is to have slideshows. The Views Slideshow module can help to create a slideshow of any user-defined content.

Creating Carousels and Videos

Using videos and carousels on the website can help your showcase your expertise effectively to the visitors. Media and Media Library modules allow web developers to embed these interactive media types on the website easily.


Companies are continuously looking for ways to break the clutter and effectively reach out to their audience. Therefore, they must have an interactive website design that can induce more visitor participation. It will also lead to increased conversions and revenues.

The website must make users confident about your brand, and it requires a well-defined strategy from you. You must utilize historical data and come up with adequate features that can make the website interactive. You can use various Drupal modules for this purpose. Be in touch with our Drupal experts.